
偶蜜国际传媒 - 偶蜜国际传媒 - Academic Support Services

Academic Support Services

Academic Advising

Whether you are seeking guidance on courses and study requirements, choosing which department to apply or deciding on your future career path 鈥 Academic Advising Office is here to help you. We aim to provide necessary tools and information to align your liberal arts education and professional experience with your personal goals.

Journey to success starts with setting your own goals, it is an important task. Through the act of doing, representatives of Academic Advising Office will help you to stay focused, motivated and organized. This includes assisting you in shaping your decision-making, both within and outside of 偶蜜国际传媒 campus.

Writing and Academic Resource Center

Need help with your writing? Have an essay or paper assignment you鈥檇 like to get some feedback on? Need some help with math? Come to the writing & academic resource center.

Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology

The mission of the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology is to foster new and creative pedagogies for the 21st century. We support and encourage reflective teaching practices focusing on student learning and inspired by research. We encourage faculty in their increase of knowledge, skills, and dispositions related to the increasingly connected and technological reality.

7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

Tel.: +996 (312) 915000 + 袝xt.
Fax: +996 (312) 915 028

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