Dr. Cholpon Chotaeva is a Professor and Coordinator of the听 Peace and Conflict Studies concentration in the Liberal Arts and Sciences department at the 偶蜜国际传媒. She holds a Doctor of History degree (2006) and a Candidate of Philosophy (1999) from the Institute of History at the National Academy of Sciences (Kyrgyzstan). She received her specialized degree with honors in History of the Middle East from the听 Oriental Studies and International Relations department at Bishkek Humanities University (1996, Kyrgyzstan).听
Dr. Chotaeva joined 偶蜜国际传媒 in 2007 as a Professor in the Anthropology department. She was the Chair of the Sociology department (2014-2016) and the Anthropology department Chair (2014-2019). Since 2021, she has been a Professor in the Liberal Arts and Sciences department at 偶蜜国际传媒. She served as a member of the Expert Council on interethnic issues under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, a member of the Expert Council on interethnic topics of the National Institute of Strategic Studies, and an expert of Dissertation Councils on History and Ethnography.听
Dr. Chotaeva was a fellow of the Faculty Development Fellowship of the Open Society Institute, a Visiting Scholar at the Harriman Institute of Columbia University (2006-2007, USA), and a Foreign Researcher of the post-doctoral Fellowship Program at the Graduate School of International Cultural Studies at Tohoku University (2002-2004, Japan).听
- Ethnic Studies and Nationalism
- History of Islam in Central Asia
- History of Kyrgyzstan
- Language situation and language policy in Kyrgyzstan
- 鈥淢ulticulturalism of Bishkek City: Ethnicity and Language in Soviet and Post-Soviet times鈥 (in English). Narody i religii Evrazii. 2018
- 鈥淧repodavanie antropologii i podgotovka professional鈥檔ykh antropologov v Amerikanskom universitete Tsentral鈥檔oi Azii鈥 (in Russian). Sibirskie istoricheskie issledovaniia. 2018
- Obzor Mezhdunarodnogo nauchnogo soveschaniia 鈥淧ereosmyslenie vosstaniia 1916 goda v Tsentral鈥檔oi Azii鈥 (in Russian). Istoricheskaya ekspertiza. 2016.
- 鈥漋osstanie 1916 goda v Kyrgyzstane: rezul鈥檛aty sotsiologicheskogo oprosa 2015 goda谐芯写邪鈥 (in Russian).Akipress. Bishkek, 2016. Coauthored with Abdykanova A. K. and Mir Makhamad B.
- 鈥淚zuchenie mezh鈥檈tnicheskikh otnoshenii v Kyrgyzstane: teoretiko-metodologicheskie aspekty problemy鈥 (in Russian). Strategiia. 1(3). 2015.
- Report,Mezh鈥檈tnicheskie otnosheniia v Kyrgyzskoi Republike: analiz situatsii i politiki gosudarstva(in Russian). National Institute of Strategic Studies. Bishkek, 2013.
- 鈥淓thnic Tension in Kyrgyzstan in the post-Soviet Period: Ethnosociological Survey Results鈥 (in English and Russian). Central Asia and the Caucasus. 2013. 14(1).
- 鈥淓tnicheskaya politika sovremennogo Kyrgyzstana鈥 (in Russian). 偶蜜国际传媒 Vestnik. 2013.
- 鈥淏asmacheskoe dvizhenie v Kyrgyzstane i kyrgyzskaia gosudarstvennost鈥 (in Russian), Vestnik MUK. 2012. 1(18).
- 鈥淓tnokul鈥檛urnye razlichiia kak factor mezh鈥檈tnicheskikh konfliktov v Kyrgyzstane (in Russian). FourthCentral Asian Anthropological Conference 鈥淓xploring Various Cultures in the Post-Soviet Space: Challenges, Methods and Perspectives鈥. Bishkek, 2011.
- 鈥淔aktory formirovaniia etnicheskoi identichnosti v Kyrgyzstane鈥 (in Russian), Third Central Asian Anthropological Conference 鈥淩econsidering Central Asian Societies鈥. Bishkek, 2010.
- 听鈥淎ktual鈥檔ye problemy yazykovoi politiki v Kyrgyzstane鈥 (in Russian). Vestnik MUK. 2008. 1(16).
- 鈥淓thnoreligious Situation in Kyrgyzstan鈥 (in English and Russian). Central Asia and the Caucasus. 2005. 3(39).
- 鈥淧roblemy aktualizatsii etnicheskoi identichnosti v sovremennom Kyrgyzstane (po materialam sotsiologicheskogo issledovaniya)鈥 (in Russian). Sayasat. 2005. 8.
- 鈥淧roblemy issledovaniya etnichnosti, Doklady Natsional鈥檔oi akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan (in Russian). 2005. 4.
- 鈥淓tnicheskii natsionalism i gosudarstvennoe stroitel鈥檚tvo v Kyrgyzstane鈥, Evraziyskoe soobshestvo: obshestvo, politika, kul鈥檛ura(in Russian). Institut razvitiya Kazakhstana. 2005. 3(51).
- 听鈥淟anguage as a Factor of State Building in Kyrgyzstan鈥 (in English and Russian). Central Asia and the Caucasus. 2004. 2(32).
- 鈥淵azyk i etnichnost鈥: po materialam sotsiologicheskogo issledovaniia鈥 (in Russian). Materialy mezhdunarodnogo seminara 18-20 avgusta 2003 goda 鈥淓tnokul鈥檛urnoe mnogoobrazie. Potentsial razvitiya obshestva v stranakh TsA (Praktika, kontseptsii, modeli, perspektivy). Bishkek, 2004.
- 鈥淵azykovaya politika Kyrgyzstana: problemy i protivorechiia鈥 (in Russian). Trudy Instituta Mirovoi Kultury. Vypusk 3. Bishkek- Leipzig, 2003.
- 鈥淚slam: religiya, traditsiia ili tsivilizatsiia鈥, Trudy Instituta Mirovoi Kultury(in Russian). Vypusk 3, Bishkek- Leipzig, 2003.
- 鈥淓thnic and National Identities of the Kyrgyz鈥, Cultures and Historiography in Central Eurasia: Nations, Ethnicities and Societies (in English). The Center for Northeast Asian Studies. Tohoku University, 2003.
- 鈥淭he Role and Place of Islam in Socio-Political life of Kyrgyzstan鈥, Central Asia and the Caucasus(in English and Russian). 2003. 6 (30).
- History of Kyrgyzstan (in English). Scholars鈥 Press, 2017
- Etnichnost鈥 i etnosy v Kyrgyzstane (in Russian). Bishkek, 2011.
- Istoriia mirovoi kul鈥檛ury (in Russian). Bishkek, 2008.
- Etnokul鈥檛urnye factory v istorii gosudarstvennogo stroitel鈥檚tva Kyrgyzstana (in Russian), Bishkek, 2005.
- Ethnicity, Language and Religion in Kyrgyzstan (in English). Tohoku University, 2004.
- Guide Manual on the Preparation for the State Exam on History of Kyrgyzstan (in English).Bishkek, 2012.Coauthored with Turdalieva Ch.
- Uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie po podgotovke i sdache gosudarstvennogo ekzamena po kursu 鈥淚storiya Kyrgyzstana鈥(in Russian). Bishkek, 2012. Coauthored with Djanybekova Z.
- Sovremennaia mezhetnicheskaia situatsiia v Kyrgyzstane: po rezul鈥檛atam sotsiologicheskogo issledovaniia 2011 goda (in Russian). Bishkek, 2011.
- Etnichnost鈥 i etnicheskii natsionalism (in Russian). Nauchno-teoreticheskie materialy k avtorskomu spetskursu 鈥淓tnichnost鈥 v sovremennom mire鈥. Bishkek, 2005.
- Yazyk, etnichnost鈥 i religiia v Kyrgyzstane: po materialam sotsiologicheskogo issledovaniia 2003 goda (in Russian). Bishkek, 2005.
- Tsivliizatsiia i kul鈥檛ura.Nauchno-teoreticheskie materialy k uchebnomu kursu 鈥滻storiia mirovoi kul鈥檛ury鈥 (in Russian). Bishkek, 2004.
- Language, Ethnicity and Religion in Kyrgyzstan(the results of the 2003 survey) (in English). MECAS TU, 2004.
- Language Policy and Language Situation in Kyrgyzstan (in English). MECAS TU, 2003.
- External and Internal Migration of the Kyrgyz People in Modern Kyrgyzstan(in English). MECAS TU, 2001.
- Restoration of Islamic Values and Cultural Traditions in Post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan(in English). MECAS TU, 2000.
- Topics I and IV. Upravlenie etnicheskim mnogoobraziem i mezh鈥檈tnicheskimi otnosheniyami (in Russian). Bishkek, 2012.
- 鈥淣atsional鈥檔yi factor v usloviyakh globalizatsii鈥. Aktual鈥檔ye problemy tsentral鈥檔o-aziatskogo regiona v uslobiyakh globalizatsii. Bishkek, 2005.
- 鈥淢odeli perekhoda k demokratii鈥 (in Russian). Politicheskaya transformatsiya: opyt Kyrgyzstana v mirovom kontekste. Bishkek, 2002.
- History of Kyrgyzstan
- Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies
- Research Methods
- Senior Thesis Seminar